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Showing posts from May, 2023

How to insert and update Table of Contents automatically in MS Word document

      Introduction: Table of Contents (TOC) could be added to your word document either manually or automatically. However, the automatic method is more efficient and recommended, especially when your document has many pages, as it makes the update of the TOC easier. To make use of this method, some initial setups need to be done in your document. It is essential to note that we will be working with a 5-page document named “Sample” in this exercise. The first page in our sample document will be the title page; second page will be for Table of Contents; third page will be for Introduction; fourth page will be for the main body; and the fifth page will be for Conclusion. Initial Setup for enabling automatic TOC: At this setup stage, we will have to modify the style of Heading 1 (which we will be using as our main heading style). Note that if you have subheadings which you also plan to add to TOC in your document, then, you can modify the style of Heading 2 as well...

Simple method of hiding page number on the first page of your Microsoft Word document

    Introduction: According to the standard in preparing documents in most institutions or organizations, it is usually expected that the page number should not appear on the first or title page of a document. Hence, different methods of ensuring that the page number becomes hidden on the first page have been tried. In this article, we will consider a simple and efficient method. Any time you insert page numbers in your Microsoft Word document, the page numbers will appear on all the pages (including the first page) in your document. Page numbers could appear at the “Top of Page” (which is the header) or “Bottom of Page” (which is the footer), depending on where you have chosen to position them. Nevertheless, if the first page in your document is a “Cover Page” that was inserted from the “Pages” group in the “Insert” menu tab, then, the first page will not carry any page number by default. Figure 1 shows the first two pages of our document, and our task is to hide th...